Business Sponsors

Help us thank our 2024/25 business sponsors by considering this great bunch of businesses when looking for services listed below. 


Pride Level 


Champion Level


Panther Level


Cub Level


Poinsettia Elementary Business Sponsorship Program


Looking for a way to connect with the community and support your local school?
We invite you to our Business Sponsorship Program, which supports enrichment programs at Poinsettia Elementary.



- Marketing reach to 450+ Panther families daily with multi-channel placement.

- Year round advertising on school campus with branded vinyl banner.
- Logo placement and direct linkage on dedicated 'Sponsorship Page' on Poinsettia PTA website.
- Logo and recognition in school newsletter.
- Logo and recognition in social feed.

- Branded placement in Yearbook.

- Exclusive coupon &/or promotion opportunities. 

- Event opportunities.
- All donations are 100% tax deductible.


Interested being a premier sponsor for an event?  Opportunities may include:


- Branded water bottle for Annual Jog-A-Thon

- Branded gift cards for Mother/Son Event participants

- Advertising on photo booth for Father/Daughter Dance

- Branded GaGa ball court for student playground

- Come in for a day to educate students on your business/service.

- Or, any signage, tabling, &/or give-away opportunities.


Have another idea? Let's talk!



Show your Panther Pride and Support!


Download 6x6 Window Sign




Your sponsorship directly impacts financial gaps in the district budget and provides unique opportunities our Panthers would not otherwise have. We are extremely grateful for your generosity.

Email Fundraising Chair:

Chelsea Marble -